Educational Ministry in Missions

"Those who are wise will shine as brightly as the expanse of the heavens and those
who have instructed many in uprightness as bright as stars for all eternity". Daniel 12:3.
who have instructed many in uprightness as bright as stars for all eternity". Daniel 12:3.
The dawn of Education Ministry:
On 15th Oct 1872 the Society Of the Daughters of Mary Immaculate was bloomed in France by Fr.Henri Chaumont, a Diocesan Priest. In the year 1889 the first missionary group was sent to India from France. They reached India being called by Msgr.Riccaz MSFS, the Bishop of Nagpur. Unfamiliar with any Indian language except the language of universal love, they began their ministry amidst the poorest section of that area. To begin with they opened a Dispensary to give Health care and started a home to shelter the women who were abandoned. It was least thought of the founder or the pioneers to start a school.